We would like to welcome you to our new website lesvoscyclingtrails.gr. The website presents the mountain bike “Herb Trail at Amali” of Lesvos.
Go ahead and view and read all about our bike trails and the bike community of Lesvos. Learn about the Lesvos Cycling Club and check out the professionals concerning cycling at our island.
Our website was created according to the WCAG / ADA / 508 standards for People with Special Needs!
With the co-financing of Greece and the European Union.

As it is mentioned above, our website has been built in order to meet the standards WCAG / ADA / 508 for people with special needs so that it is readable and easy to use by everyone.
Many thank’s to the company WEBGRECO for the wonderful work in the development of our website.
Of course, regarding our events, announcements and interesting articles, let us remind you of our social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, google and YouTube is at your disposal.
You will also find all our news and events at Lesvos.Pro, the Professionals Guide of Lesvos.
Have a nice tour!